The yoga boom

Yoga may have begun as a strictly spiritual practice, but the modern-day yoga industry is undergoing a very commercial boom.


The CrossFit Games

The search for the Fittest on the Planet

The purpose of any workout is to “increase your fitness”, yet only one workout program has actually defined “fitness”.  In CrossFit, fitness is “increased work capacity over broad times and modal domains”.  This sounds complicated but its actually very simple.  It basically means that you have the ability to do any task, for a variety of different times and at different weights.  Not that you are the best at the tasks, but that you are physically prepared to do anything, whether its life, career, or sport related. 


54 marathons in 52 weeks

Tony Gaspar of Paso Robles is an inspiration

As someone who has completed a few marathons, I know firsthand how difficult the 26.2 mile distance can be to complete. The mileage takes a toll on your body and becomes a battle of mental toughness as you push yourself to finish the last few miles and receive your finisher’s medal. Motivated by the cheers of the crowd and the congratulatory praises of your friends and family, you feel a sense of pride and accomplishment as you look forward to a couple of weeks of well deserved rest and relaxation.


The Joy of Flying

You are dangling 25 feet in the air. Far below you is nothing but the hard warehouse floor. Holding you up is nothing but a sleek, slippery fabric which increasingly threatens to slide right out of grip with each passing moment.


SLO Swing

Jump, jive and wail your way to fitness


Running for their lives

Olympic hero returns to Uganda to help orphans

The year was 1988, and the Lord’s Resistance Army, a militant rebel force in Uganda, was taking up arms against the government. In a small village of northern Uganda, 15 children, not older than 12, were kidnapped by the group and ordered to pillage and kill their neighboring villagers. If they disobeyed, the children learned, they would be shot. If they wanted to live, they would have to become killers themselves.


Finding The Natural Alternative

Misconceptions of modern medicine

In the early 80s, I was introduced to a holistic nutritionist that that changed my health dramatically.  I was eager to learn everything I possibly could about herbal and nutritional medicine.  I also wanted to share my knowledge with others so that they could become pro-active in their healthcare.  True health is optimal wellness and vitality, not just “absence of disease”.


Amgen Tour comes to Avila Beach

Visitors and residents of Avila Beach will get to experience the thrill of seeing one of the nation’s largest sporting events when the Amgen Tour of California arrives on Thursday, May 16th. Avila Beach was successful in its bid to host the Stage 5 finish of this classic cycling race.


Want more pain in life? Keep sitting down

As working members of the twenty first century, we have worked hard to make technologically advancements and make our society the best it can be.  We have gotten so smart that we no longer need much physical action to accomplish our goals or work projects. In fact, aside from having to get up to go to the bathroom, we don’t need to do much aside from the sitting position with our bodies; other machines do our work for us.


The Wellness Kitchen and Resource Center

Unlike most aspiring chefs set on making their mark in the restaurant industry, founder of The Wellness Kitchen Nancy Walker took a different culinary path. At Bauman College in Santa Cruz, Nancy laid the foundation for utilizing natural and holistic cooking methods as a means of treatment and healing. Since her graduation in August 2009, Nancy has developed a successful career by making sustainable healthy eat habits available to her patients. Today she specializes in cooking and developing meal plans for cancer, chemotherapy, diabetes, and other patients with other severe illnesses.



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